ICE certified as a Pro Vélo Employer

ICE has officially been certified as a Pro Vélo Employer

Supported by FUB, French Federation of Bicycle Users and ADEME, the Pro-Vélo Employer label is awarded to employers who implement ambitious pro-bike actions. Today, ICE Water Management is proud to announce that it has been certified as a Pro Vélo Employer at the BRONZE level on 05-15-2023.

Developing cycling 🚲 among all employees has always been a priority for ICE Water Management. Some infrastructures were already in place to encourage cycling (showers, changing rooms), and others have been put in place such as equipment (maintenance workshop, maintenance, and safety equipment), and the promotion of safety. All these actions taken to encourage employees to use bicycles help to reduce their impact on the environment.

At the beginning of the year, and to enhance this commitment, we have joined the Objectif Employer Pro-Vélo programme, an EEC programme (energy saving certificates, and in this case for mobility) which aims to support private, public and associative employers in the development of a cycling culture on their sites.

Find out more about this OEPV programme (Objectif Employer Pro-Vélo) in our previous article.

At the end of this support programme and after an audit carried out on the basis of a set of specifications containing 5 themes (management and strategy, communication and mobilisation, services, safety and equipment), ICE has been certified as a BRONZE level Pro Vélo Employer! This result is a recognition of the work done by ICE Water Management teams and led by Kyle Sexton as the OEPV referent.

It is important to remember that cycling has a positive impact on the physical and mental well-being of employees and of course on the environment 🌍. Indeed, in addition to reducing CO2 emissions, cycling brings many benefits to everyone: improved quality of life at work, increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, etc.

ICE Water Management is proud to develop the practice of home-to-work cycling: currently 8 employees are regular bike riders 🚴 (i.e. 28% of our workforce in 2023).

ICE labellisé Employeur Pro vélo - ICE certified as a Pro Vélo Employer

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Article May 2023

