ICE joins the Objectif Employer Pro Vélo programme

At the beginning of the year, ICE Water Management joined the Objectif Employer Pro-Vélo programme. This programme aims to respond to a strong ecological challenge and to support employers in promoting active mobility among their employees.

Convinced of the interest of this programme, of the benefits of cycling for both our health and that of the planet 🌍 and already strongly involved in a cycling culture 🚲 within the company, ICE took the plunge and committed itself to this programme.

Kyle Sexton, Process engineer and himself a cyclist 🚴, has been given the title of OEPV referent in the company. His mission is to help ICE Water Management obtain the Pro Vélo Employer label by coordinating and leading the cycling action plan. He is the one who contributes to the development and animation of the mobility policy. He pilots the 6-stage process before obtaining the label.

ICE has already been able to count ✅ a number of actions carried out, including :

  • Setting up a long-term strategy
  • Compliance of basic infrastructure:
    • bicycle parking near the entrance for employees and visitors,
    • setting up a space dedicated to repair and maintenance
    • complete changing facilities (showers, storage, etc.)
  • Focus on safety: training, risk analysis, equipment
  • Intervention of a service contractor for the maintenance and repair of employees’ bicycles (Guidon MTB)
  • Service kits (pump, spanners, chain grease) and repair kits (patches) are available
  • Regular use of bicycle service providers (couriers)
  • Participation in mobility challenges
  • Internal and external promotion: awareness and motivation of employees
  • Dedicated information point in our common area
  • Audit in progress

Of course, there are still steps to be completed, but this pro-cycling employer label is a company project that meets with the approval and enthusiasm of the employees.

To learn more about the Objectif Employer Pro Vélo programme, visit the dedicated website.

To follow our latest news  it’s here or on our Linkedin page.

Article May 2023

Employeur Pro Vélo - Employeur Pro Vélo programme - atelier entretien reparation chez ICE WM
