QLWC week at ICE Water Management

From 17 to 21 June, ICE Water Management organised its first QLWC week. Anact has been organising this event throughout France for the past 20 years. 

Did you say QLWC?

QLWC: Quality of Life and Working Conditions. In concrete terms, the QWLC is based on 6 key dimensions: work organisation, working conditions, social relations, health and safety at work, skills and career development, recognition and enhancement of work, etc.

By improving the QLWC, we act on all these dimensions and thus contribute to: 

  • Reducing stress and absenteeism.
  • Improving employee motivation and commitment.
  • Strengthen team cohesion and collective performance.
  • Increase employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Programme for the week

Conferences, sports workshops, moments of relaxation and conviviality, raising awareness of CSR issues.

QLWC is all year round

While this QLWC week is a key moment for raising awareness among our employees of the importance of their quality of life at work, our commitment is not limited to this week.

We take practical steps throughout the year to improve working conditions for our employees, including access to technical and practical training, individual redesign of workspaces and the organisation of ¼-hour safety sessions. 

Details of the week

Monday 17 June: the week got off to a gentle start with a collective breakfast, an opportunity for our employees to get together and exchange ideas in a friendly atmosphere. 

At midday, a conference on the impact of nutrition on sleep and productivity, led by Célia Karleskind from CK Nutrition, helped us to understand the close link between what we eat, our sleep and our productivity.

Tuesday 18 June: As the saying goes, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. The Cross Training workshop, organised by Frédéric Crocq. was a great opportunity for our employees to get together and work hard, cheer each other on and work up a sweat. Each of them, at their own pace, were able to give the best of themselves in a tailor-made 30-minute WOD (Workout Of the Day). . 

Wednesday 19 June: action – reaction – speed. This was the challenge taken up by our employees during a workshop led by Christophe Dutour. It’s a fun and stimulating way to improve coordination and reactivity, thanks to a range of exercises based on the world of rugby. 

Thursday 20 June: A good night’s sleep is essential if you are to perform well at work. That’s why a conference on the importance of sleep, given by Élise Castagno from Ryokan Center, enabled our employees to deconstruct preconceptions about what constitutes a “good night’s sleep” and to understand how sleep and our brains work. 

Friday 21 June: the week ended with the presentation of our future CSR action plan by Quentin Rassat and Mathilde Kisliakoff. LQuentin is working on defining the plan on the basis of our first carbon footprint, while Mathilde is working on a project to reuse rainwater from the roof of our offices. This was an opportunity to highlight the link between QLWC and Corporate Social Responsibility, two pillars of our commitment. 

Finally, we ended the week where we started it: around the table! A Canadian meal brought together all our employees in a warm and festive atmosphere, with dishes prepared by each and every one of us. 

Review of QLWC week

This QLWC week was a real success with our employees. They were able to discover new themes relating to their well-being at work and take part in a variety of enriching and fun activities.

At ICE Water Management, QLWC is not just a question of a week. We take concrete action throughout the year to improve our employees’ working conditions and create a positive and stimulating working environment! 

semaine QVCT chez ICE Water Management - Qualité de vie et des conditions de travail - QLWC

JUNE 2024

