Our commitment to a CSR approach

For several years now, ICE Water Management has been committed to a CSR approach (Corporate Social Responsibility). All our employees are aware of and support this approach.
As part of our CSR approach, we felt it essential to draw up an ethics charter to define the principles and values in which ICE Water Management believes. It sets out the rules of good conduct adopted and shared by ICE’s management and employees. Everyone is committed to respecting this code of ethics, (French version) which we make available to everyone.
Our CSR approach through our equipment:
Some of our water treatment equipment fully meets today’s environmental expectations by enabling:
- reuse of water in the water treatment process (process water),
- recycling water in the treatment line (product water),
- recycling water for utilities (utility water).
Our WASA™ solutions: a full range of services and processes to reduce water consumption and operating costs at our customers’ water treatment plants, by reusing or recycling water. WASA™ solutions are part of a sustainable development approach by preserving water resources.
Closed Circuit Reverse Osmosis (CCRO): CCRO is particularly well-suited to Re-Use projects, the recovery of process water that is usually discarded, for reuse in other industrial applications within the plant. CCRO optimizes water recovery.
In addition to our products, we want to do even more to minimize our environmental impact. That’s why we’ve implemented eco-responsible practices that are fully integrated into our CSR approach.
Our environmental responsibility:
- Taking action to preserve biodiversity by installing 4 beehives and carefully mowing the grass around our building for our bee friends.
- Promoting eco-mobility: ICE is a certified Pro Vélo Employer.
- Enhance the value of our waste by sorting and processing it with specialized companies, and by installing a composter for our organic waste.
- Reducing our paper consumption: ICE has opted for paperless pay slips and expense reports.
- Elimination of single-use plastics: no more throwaway cups since 2016, and we only use washable dishes.
- Controlling our energy consumption through responsible lighting linked to presence detection in all our offices, and managing office temperatures in winter.
- To understand our company’s impact on the environment, and in particular the climate, we have decided to measure our carbon footprint. We are supported in this by the Carbo platform. We have carried out an initial assessment for 2022 and a second for 2023. The aim was to identify our main emissions streams, to find out where to focus our efforts to reduce them, and finally to enable us to reflect on the way we conduct our business and the environmental impact of our products. We are transparent and have drawn up our own CSR report.
- Co-design of an outdoor landscape with the Potager du Château de Menthon.
Our social responsibility:
- Offering a stimulating working environment: partnership with a childcare centre, free drinks (coffees and chocolates), 10 kg of fruit per week, pet at work policy, football during the week and table football to relax, welcoming new arrivals with an ‘on-boarding’ stage that we consider essential, etc.
- Passing on and training: ICE takes part in the training and supervision of young students by developing work-study contracts.
- Stimulating and encouraging our employees through knowledge: at ICE, we want our employees to perform well and keep abreast of new technologies. That’s why every year we invite guest speakers and organise innovative in-company training courses: water sommelier, water ozonation, mastering in-place cleaning operations, etc. Other personal development training courses have also taken place, in particular to help with public speaking.
Our economic responsibility:
- A responsible purchasing policy is gradually being put in place: minimising our needs, integrating environmental and social criteria into our choice of suppliers, taking into account the life cycle and cost of products, etc. We have drawn up a responsible purchasing charter. We invite our suppliers and partners to read it.
- Sourcing certain purchases from associations whose employees are handicapped.
- We prefer to work with local partners wherever possible.
- Although we are not obliged to do so by regulation, we anticipate and publish a CSR report. It’s an opportunity to demonstrate transparency on the impact of ICE’s activities, and to communicate on our results and progress in terms of corporate social responsibility.
- ICE cooperates with local economic players and associations:
- Club des entreprises de l’USMB: (Université Savoie Mont Blanc) connecting students with the business world
- Hydraulique sans frontières: an international solidarity association specialising in water and sanitation, to which ICE contributes its knowledge and supports in various ways
- Coexist: a platform promoting technical partnerships between NGOs and companies as part of international solidarity projects
- Réseau APM: association of entrepreneurs for the progress of management
- Réseau Entreprendre: association to support young entrepreneurs or start-ups
- Member of the MEDEF/CSM Haute-Savoie CSR Circle.