RaidLight Trail Festival 2024, 10 ICE attendees

RaidLight Trail Festival 2024, ICE conquering the Chartreuse trails!

10 ICE Water Management employees took up the challenge of the RaidLight Trail Festival 2024 held in Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse on 17 and 18 May 2024. A sporting and friendly weekend to push back your limits and share a unique experience in the heart of nature.

A variety of itineraries for all levels

On Saturday 18 May, between trail and hike, each of them was able to find a challenge to match their abilities. The most adventurous, Manon Texier (ex ICE), Kyle Sexton, Lucas Motellier and David Cabanes, set off on the Maratour over 47km and 2900m D+. It was a demanding trail through the Chartreuse massifs, much of it in Natura 2000 areas, in wild, unspoilt countryside. Jean-Sébastien Anciaux and Frédéric Crocq opted for the trail tour of 33km and 1800m D+, a shorter route, perhaps more accessible, but nonetheless equally challenging. Finally, hikers  Cassandre Duclaux, Mathilde Kisliakoff, Antoine Carles-Salmon and Nathalie Bergeret were able to set their own rhythm on a 16km, 700m D+ loop.

Surpassing yourself and team spirit

The ICE Water Management trail runners endured steep climbs, fatigue, pain and cramps. For all of them, it was an opportunity to surpass their limits, to measure up against themselves and against others. But beyond the physical effort, it was above all the team spirit that came out on top. Mutual encouragement and support were the keywords of the day.

RaidLight Trail Festival 2024, a human and sporting adventure

Proudly wearing the colours of ICE Water Management on the trails of the Chartreuse was an additional source of motivation for the runners and walkers. They all wore t-shirts bearing our company logo. They were able to share their passion for running or walking and discover the beauty of the surrounding countryside together.

Shared experiences and the determination to start again

At the finish line, the participants were tired, of course, but above all their satisfaction and pride were visible on their faces. They had experienced a wonderful human and sporting adventure that brought people together, strengthened bonds and created shared memories.

Everyone achieved their goal, whether it was completing the course, doing it in the time set before the start, improving their times or simply enjoying themselves.

It’s already being said that some are ready to repeat the experience, and that some of the hikers even want to try out the trail version.

We can’t rule out the possibility that by the next edition, other colleagues will have been convinced.

These sporting events are a fine illustration of the company’s values: surpassing oneself, team spirit and conviviality.

More information on the official website of RaidLight Trail Festival

And we’re surpassing again and again

As for Arthur Arnaud, he didn’t take part in the trail as he was in the middle of preparing for the maXi-race solo to be held in Annecy on 1 June. However, he was there to cheer on all his colleagues, and had come to Saint-Pierre-De-Chartreuse…. by bike! Arthur also performed very well!

To follow our latest news  it’s here or on our Linkedin page.

ICE au raidlight trail festival 2024

May 2024

Photo credits: ©Romain Poletto, ©William Klock, ©ICE WM
