The International Ozone Association IOA at ICE

A group of ten ICE Water Management employees benefited from a unique training course given by experts from the International Ozone Association IOA (EA3G).

For two days, Sylvie Baig, Michel Roustan and Jean-Stéphane Pic, three renowned experts, presented an extremely complete technical programme on the subject of water ozonation:

After an introduction to ozone where they reviewed the benefits, and advanced oxidation processes, they went on to discuss all aspects of dimensioning. These specialists provided ICE Water Management’s engineers with technical information on the application of ozone in the treatment of drinking water, wastewater and industrial process water. All of them were able to put their knowledge through exercises related to engineering, operational processes, dimensioning (hydrodynamics, hydraulics) etc…

At the end of these two intense days, all the participants agreed that this training course was certainly complex, but rich in learning and passionate. This was a first for the IOA, which, although used to the conference format, had never delivered training in companies.

ICE Water Management is now a member of the International Ozone Association IOA. For our engineers this means access to a wide range of publications, technical information, conferences etc…

About the International Ozone Association IOA:

This non-profit educational and scientific association is dedicated to the collection, dissemination of information and promotion of research on all matters related to ozone and advanced oxidation technologies. Its primary mission is to meet the needs of the industry and research in the fields of ozone.

The association is divided into 3 global groups: PAG, EA3G, and NIG.

Sylvie Baig is Head of Scientific Innovation at Suez International, Michel Roustan and Jean-Stéphane Pic are both professors at INSA Toulouse (National Institute of Applied Sciences).

Michel Roustan also coordinated the writing of the book « Transferts gaz-liquide dans les procédés de traitement des eaux et des effluents gazeux ».

Find more information on IOA websites IOA Pan American Group (PAG), IOA European African Asian Australian Group (EA3G), IOA Nippon Islands Group (NIG) and the one of INSA Toulouse

Article May 2023

AIO Association Internationale de l’Ozone


AIO Association Internationale de l’Ozone chez ICE

If you want to know more about the possible applications of ozone in water treatment, let’s talk!
