A workshop on beehive products

A workshop dedicated to beehive products

A few weeks ago, we held a workshop on beehive products at our premises. Set up by our beekeeper Cédric MARCEAU, a professional beekeeper and partner of Abeilles et Environnement, the workshop gave us the opportunity to vary the pleasures between theoretical explanations and tastings.

An environmental and CSR initiative

This workshop is a continuation of the installation of our 4 beehives by Abeilles et Environnement in 2022 (Read our first article on the excitement of installing our beehives). This environmental initiative will enable us to support the beekeeping industry in our region, help protect bees and promote biodiversity on our site. The establishment of these beehives is a concrete action that fits in with the CSR approach to which our company is committed.

During this very convivial workshop on beehive products, Cédric offered us a blind taste test of different honeys 🍯. Passionate and fascinating, he explained the differences between his “miels du cru”: differences in taste, texture and colour. Most of them fall into the category of polyfloral honeys (from several plant species) such as acacia and hawthorn, or bramble, lime and chestnut, but some are monofloral honeys such as lavender, chestnut, acacia and others.

We were also able to taste propolis, a natural anti-infective, and even pollen. Cédric also offers processed products such as honey nougat and different kinds of gingerbread, which we were delighted to taste.

He works as a beekeeper with 300 hives (Les Ruchers du Clergeon in Moye) and more than 80 hives belonging to Abeilles et Environnement, which he manages. He works in Savoie, Haute Savoie, Isère and Ain. 🐝

To know more about Abeilles et environnement (Bees and the Environment), visit their website.

You can also take a look here at the first delivery of our honey on december. This delivery was eagerly awaited!

atelier produits de la ruche - workshop on beehive products

