Reducing environmental impact

The treatment and reuse of recycled water reduces the environmental impact of the agri-food industry and enables it to adapt to the challenges of water resource management. Contact us to discuss your wastewater treatment and reuse project. Read our latest article on the subject of Reuse and REUT here, and click to find out more [...]

Reducing environmental impact2024-07-19T16:35:15+02:00

Production and use authorization

Prior to the deployment of these technologies, ICE can offer you its support and expertise in two areas, working with the public authorities: the composition of the application for authorisation to produce and reuse recycled treated wastewater the definition of quality requirements for reused water relating to the safety of foodstuffs.

Production and use authorization2024-07-18T17:23:13+02:00

Treatment and reuse of recycled water – Reuse

The water treatment technologies deployed by ICE Water Management guarantee the water quality required to comply with decree 2024-769: reverse osmosis, closed-circuit reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, media filtration, disinfection by ozonation, or ultraviolet disinfection. ICE Water Management can support you in your project of treatment and reuse of recycled water (Reuse, REUT). Contact us to discuss [...]

Treatment and reuse of recycled water – Reuse2024-07-18T17:36:33+02:00

Treatment and reuse of recycled water

The water treatment technologies deployed by ICE Water Management guarantee the water quality required to comply with decree 2024-769: reverse osmosis, closed-circuit reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, media filtration, disinfection by ozonation, or ultraviolet disinfection. ICE Water Management can support you in your project of treatment and reuse of recycled water (Reuse, REUT). Prior to the deployment [...]

Treatment and reuse of recycled water2024-07-17T18:08:43+02:00

Hygienic design

The design of a hygienic system, i.e. cleanable in any point, is the corner stone of every reliable and efficient water treatment system. Hygienic design is a key know-how of ICE, thanks to a long experience with mineral water installations under strict European regulations. For European natural mineral waters the allowed disinfection techniques are extremely [...]

Hygienic design2019-05-23T15:20:36+02:00

Team training

Team training is capital to protect your brand and is also part of best practises implementation. The performance and efficiency of an installed system depends highly on operator knowledge and experience. Team training is a necessary step to improve the performance of your plant. ICE supports the bottlers to efficiently operate the systems designed by [...]

Team training2019-06-05T12:20:33+02:00

Team training

The performance and efficiency of an installed system depends highly on operator knowledge and experience. ICE helps the bottlers to efficiently operate the systems designed by our engineers.

Team training2018-04-23T18:31:52+02:00

Improving safety

Safety is always taken into account when designing ICE machines and installations. This safety approach is extended on site during the installation and commissioning of the facilities as well as safety training actions with the operators.

Improving safety2018-04-23T18:31:23+02:00

Process optimization

The efficiency of an existing water treatment can be increased not only with new and better performing equipment but also by fine-tuning the existing equipment parameters and operational protocols, (such as CIP scheduling and duration) allowing an efficiency increase of up to 10%. The primary goal in the design of ICE systems and the global [...]

Process optimization2018-11-13T09:44:40+01:00