I.C.E will take part to a water technology symposium at Drinktec.

At Drinktec our QHSE Manager will give a lecture at the water technology symposium…


At Drinktec, Evangelos Trogadis, QHSE Manager at I.C.E. will take part to the water-technology@drinktec symposium on: Monday September 11 at 14:40h

Mr Trogadis will give a lecture about:

Water quality in bottling industry.

The lecture organized by VDMA will take place in the following arena: hall B3 booth 113. Don’t miss it!

The symposium provides lectures, discussion sessions and information about the subject of water on all exhibition days.

And visit I.C.E at #Drinktec: booth 532  Hall A3.

To know all about this symposium: http://bit.ly/2vKJOeI

To know more about Drinktec: http://www.drinktec.com/index.html
